Possible Methods For Fixing Hammer Toe Without Surgery

Rocky Mountain Foot & Ankle’s team of Caldwell and Meridian podiatrists has years of experience treating and correcting hammer toe—often without invasive procedures. Here are some of the treatment techniques we find helpful for many patients that might also work for you.

Footwear Changes

Tight, crowded, and cramped footwear not only causes hammer toe but also makes existing symptoms worse and, in some cases, leads to the development of additional complications. 

But if your condition is diagnosed at an early stage, changing your shoes or using custom orthotics could help either resolve symptoms or reverse damage to the tendons. 


If your hammer toe has caused the affected tendons to weaken, our podiatrists may prescribe special exercises designed to stretch and strengthen them.

Padding and Taping

Even if you switch to less-restrictive footwear, the unusual protrusion caused by hammer toe could cause the joint to scrape the inside of your shoes—making the pain worse, and putting you at risk for corns and calluses. Padding and taping help alleviate these unpleasant symptoms and place the toe back into a more natural position. 


Splinting is a type of immobilization that puts the affected toe back into place while also stretching its muscles and tendons. 

Steroid Injections

If your hammer toe doesn’t need surgery to heal but is still swollen, our doctors may prescribe steroid injections to reduce inflammation and ease other symptoms. 

At Rocky Mountain Foot & Ankle, we're committed to providing an exceptional patient experience that includes wide-ranging treatment options, innovative technologies, and, most importantly, clear and personable communication with doctors who listen and work with you to help you feel better. We strive to provide less invasive solutions so you’re back on your feet in no time. 

Dr. P. Roman Burk
Providing experienced private practice podiatry services in the Caldwell and Meridian, ID area since 2007.