Are Wheeled Shoes Safe?
Research suggests that nearly 50 in every 100,000 people wearing shoes with wheels will get injured. The study concluded that around 70 percent of injuries occurred when the child had worn the shoe less than five times- while they were still learning to balance in the shoes. Though the most common injuries appeared to be to the wrists, elbows, and head; foot and ankle injuries did occur. We recommend that children should wear safety gear like a helmet, wrist guards, and shin pads when wearing these shoes because they are just as dangerous as skating, riding a bike or scooter, or skateboarding.
Another concern is that wheeled shoes can cause a change in your child’s natural gait. In order to walk in them, the wearer must shift their weight to the front foot. When they do this their knee has to bend more, and they could wind up with knee, ankle, or Achilles pain as a result. Because of this you are supposed to remove the wheel when you want to walk instead of skate, but most people do not.
Lastly, it’s been shown that regular use of these shoes could influence the child’s physical development. Many children are trying to fit into wheeled shoes that they have outgrown -as the cost of a pair does not come cheap. Doing this for a prolonged period of time could potentially cause long-term foot problems.
My Advice About Wheeled Shoes
Get the shoes, enjoy them, but don’t wear them daily, and don’t wear them for walking around. These are not meant to be your child’s primary pair of shoes. Also, think of them as you would a pair of skates, and wear proper protective gear. A few hours a week playing around in them should be just fine. Get rid of the shoes once your child has outgrown them and follow the manufacturer’s instructions to remove the wheel for walking to avoid creating any future foot and ankle problems.
Are You Searching For An Experienced Children's Podiatrist In The Caldwell Or Meridian, Idaho Area?
If you're seeking the help of an experienced child podiatrist you owe it to yourself to speak with our doctors as soon as possible. Please feel free to contact us online or call our office directly at 208.855.5955 to schedule your appointment. We service all areas surrounding Meridian, Idaho as well as all areas in the Caldwell, Idaho area. We look forward to helping you and your children!