Metatarsalgia Symptoms
Here are some of the most common symptoms of metatarsalgia:
- Sharp or aching pain in the ball of your foot
- Burning pain in the sole of your foot, especially near or behind your toes
- Pain that gets worse when you stand up, run, or flex your feet
- The feeling of having a pebble in your shoe
- Pain that goes away once you’re at rest
Your Options for Treating Metatarsalgia Pain
You don’t always need to see a podiatrist to treat metatarsalgia. At Rocky Mountain Foot & Ankle, we frequently suggest lifestyle changes such as taking a break from sports or purchasing a more comfortable pair of shoes to achieve significant relief.
However, if your pain is severe or your attempts at self-care haven’t helped, you may need to speak to one of our professionals—both to ensure you receive the right diagnosis and to minimize the possibility of long-term complications.
Preparing for Your First Podiatry Appointment
There’s no need to go to any great lengths to prepare for your first visit with our Caldwell or Meridian foot doctors, but taking the following steps makes getting an accurate diagnosis even easier:
- List your symptoms, no matter how vague, and include any other health concerns you might have, even if they don’t relate to your feet.
- Expect to share information about your lifestyle, like the sports you play, your daily activities, and your family’s health history.
- Don’t be shy about asking questions. Write them down so we can provide thorough answers.
How Rocky Mountain Foot & Ankle Treats Metatarsalgia
Every case of metatarsalgia is different, but our Treasure Valley podiatrists believe most patients benefit from a combination of simple solutions. These often include:
- Custom orthotics are a type of custom-made prescription shoe inserts that accentuate the contours of your feet and take pressure off the ball of your foot.
- Medication is used in some cases to reduce inflammation and relieve discomfort.
- Surgical procedures to realign your metatarsal bones—we only recommend this option if your metatarsalgia-related pain is severe or recurring.
Trust that our entire staff will take your concerns seriously—as one client said, “I’ve never felt heard by my doctors and nurses but they actually listened to me and really helped me.” Our goal is to provide complete care you can count on.